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Lead by example: Three daily habits I follow to promote positive mental health in my household

Lead by example: Three daily habits I follow to promote positive mental health in my household

By Dr. Myo Thwin Myint, pediatrician and child and adolescent psychiatrist, Children’s Hospital New Orleans, Tulane University 

As a pediatrician and child and adolescent psychiatrist at Children’s Hospital New Orleans and Tulane University School of Medicine, I am very passionate about mental health and helping others lead fulfilling lives. I want to share with you three essential habits that I practice daily with my family to promote positive mental health within my own household. These three habits revolve around self-compassion, physical activity and quality sleep.  

Practice self-compassion 
Every morning, I make a conscious effort to start my day with self-compassion. I set the intention to do my best in all that I undertake, whether it’s personal or professional. However, it’s crucial to remember that being human means we are not perfect. We all experience setbacks and failures. Instead of being harsh on myself for not meeting certain goals or even failing to complete tasks, like replying to emails promptly, I remind myself to give kindness and care to myself. Self-compassion involves acknowledging our imperfections, treating ourselves with kindness, and understanding that everyone makes mistakes. 

By cultivating this mindset, I create a positive environment within my household where self-acceptance and self-love thrive. It allows me to model this behavior to my loved ones and encourages them to embrace self-compassion as well. 

Engage in physical activity 
Physical activity plays a vital role in maintaining positive mental health. Each morning, I dedicate time to engaging in beginner yoga sessions using free online videos. This gentle practice helps me start the day with mindfulness, focusing on my body and breath. Even if my schedule is tight, I prioritize at least a few minutes for yoga. In addition to yoga, I also take advantage of my surroundings by going for a walk around my neighborhood. Living in a safe environment where I can stroll peacefully brings me a sense of gratitude. This activity not only allows me to experience the physical benefits of exercise but also offers a mental escape for me, giving me a chance to appreciate nature and find tranquility within my thoughts. 

By incorporating physical activity into my daily routine, I ensure that my household is an environment that values the mind-body connection and encourages everyone to prioritize their well-being as well. 

Prioritize quality sleep 

Sleep is often underestimated when it comes to mental health, but it plays a vital role in our overall well-being. I am thankful for being able to wake up without an alarm clock, allowing my body to follow its natural sleep-wake cycle. This practice has helped me establish a relatively regular sleep pattern, as I am naturally inclined to be a morning person. Getting enough quality sleep allows my mind and body to recharge and rejuvenate. It helps me approach each day with more clarity, focus and productivity.  

Sleep deprivation can lead to increased stress, decreased cognitive function and negatively impact our mental health. By prioritizing a good night’s sleep, I create an atmosphere in my household where everyone understands the importance of rest and takes steps to ensure they get the sleep they need. 

By practicing self-compassion, engaging in physical activity and prioritizing quality sleep, I create the foundation for a healthy and supportive environment. These habits not only benefit me personally but also influence those around me to adopt similar practices. Remember, taking care of your mental health is a journey and incorporating these daily habits can help foster positive well-being in your own home. 

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