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Preparing Your Little Ones for Cozy Weather

Preparing Your Little Ones for Cozy Weather

Pumpkin Spice Weather!!!! 

All of us are ready from some cooler weather, pumpkin spice lattes, football, and Halloween! But along with those cooler temps and shorter days come some health challenges, especially for our kids with Asthma and Allergies.  Here are a few tips to help your family enjoy the season without a “trick or treat” visit to the pediatrician’s office. 

Flu shots are here! Call and schedule your flu vaccine as soon as you can.  The flu bugs are already circulating in our community.  And no! the flu shot does not give you the flu! It is a killed virus vaccine, so while your child may have low grade fever or aches for a day, they cannot get the flu from the flu shot.  It does take about 2 weeks to become effective at preventing the flu, so vaccinate sooner rather than later in the season.  

 Changes in weather, such as cooler and dryer conditions are triggers for lots of our patients with Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis. If your child is using their rescue medication (Albuterol inhaler or nebulizer) more than twice a week, it is definitely time to talk to your doctor about maintenance medications such as inhaled steroids, leukotriene inhibitors, or antihistamines.  These preventative medications taken daily can reduce the number of sick days, and sports and outdoor fun will be much more enjoyable. 

Along with Asthma flare ups come Eczema flareups, due to the cooler dryer air. Use your moisturizer cream liberally and often!  Antihistamines can help with scratching, especially at night while sleeping.  And remember to keep hydrated.  Most people need 8-10 glasses of water per day, but we may not feel as thirsty once the weather cools off.  

Sleep schedules are important for good performance in school, but often the time change can disrupt sleep.  Keep to those regular bedtimes, and make sure your kids have some outside fun in the afternoons! Even 30 minutes of outside play can get the “zoomies” out and help them settle in for homework! Try a fun twilight game like Flashlight Tag! Take a walk on the levee or ride your bikes in the neighborhood.  Soak up this cooler weather, because you know it doesn’t last long here!   

Speaking of homework, make sure the amount of homework is appropriate for your child’s age and developmental level.  If your child is struggling to complete homework in a timely manner, speak to his or her teacher. Sometimes, reducing repetitive assignments can help and give the same benefit.  Most kids need no more than one hour of homework per day.   

Happy Fall Y’all!