Physical medicine and rehabilitation focuses on helping patients overcome functional limitations caused by injury and illness. If your child has sustained a spine or brain injury, there is a chance they will develop some form of disability. Medical rehabilitation is a one-on-one program where physiatrists help patients either completely overcome their disabilities, or find ways of working around their limitations so that they can maintain their independence.
Physical medicine is a very personal medical treatment designed to fit the unique needs of the patient. Your family can expect to work extensively with your child’s physical medicine team so that the team can develop a unique treatment plan most fitting for your child’s lifestyle. We take the time to learn more about our patient’s hobbies, interests, and goals in order to keep treatment focused on what matters most to them.
Our physiatrists understand how cognitive and physical disabilities can affect a child’s growth and development. By working with these patients at a young age, we have a chance to help them develop skills that will carry them through the rest of their life. Our primary goal is to help patients restore or improve functional abilities and help them function at home, school, and society.
Children's Hospital New Orleans is proud to be the first in the area to offer a dedicated Post-COVID-19 Clinic to help pediatric patients with recovery. Our interdisciplinary team of experienced pediatric specialists works with children who have recovered from the virus but need additional support to regain skills or function that were lost because of the illness. Learn more about the clinic here.
Call the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Office at 504.896.9568.