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Referral, evaluation, and waiting


If you are a referring provider or family member looking for more information about the Liver Transplant Program at Children’s Hospital or would like to refer a patient, please contact us at the following numbers:

Transfer Center (24/7 for immediate transfer needs)

Phone: 504.896.6673 or 855.CHNOLA1 (246.6521)

Dedicated Provider Referral Department

Phone: 504.827.0832

Fax: 504.896.2704


Gastroenterology/Hepatology Department

Phone: 504.896.9534

Transplant Nurse Navigators (Nephrology Department)

Phone – 504.896.9238

Evaluation process

If a child is being considered for a liver transplant, a comprehensive evaluation is needed to better prepare the child for surgery. The evaluation may be inpatient or outpatient, based on the child’s medical condition, and will include the following:

  • Complete review of clinical records
  • Laboratory testing
  • Radiology imaging – abdominal ultrasound, chest x-ray
  • Cardiology testing – ECHO and EKG
  • Liver biopsy
  • Social services consultation
  • Insurance approval
  • Consultation with transplant program medical provider (hepatologist)
  • Consultation with transplant program surgical provider
  • Consultation with transplant program nurse navigator, dietitian, child life specialist, psychologist, and other specialists as needed

Waiting process

If a child is considered a good candidate for a liver transplant after the above thorough evaluation, the child is placed on a national transplant waiting list. Children who most urgently need a liver transplant are placed higher on the list than children who are more medically stable. Some children may be on the list for only a few days while others may wait months or years. While on the waiting list, a child will continue to have close follow-up with the transplant team. The family will be contacted when a donor organ becomes available.

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