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Children's Hospital Pediatrics is certified by the Adolescent Health Initiative

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Children's Hospital Pediatrics is certified by the Adolescent Health Initiative

Children’s Hospital pediatricians, Dr. Stephanie Graebert and Dr. Amber Severio of Children's Hospital Pediatrics - Houma Blvd. (Carousel) completed The Adolescent Health Initiative’s Adolescent-Centered Environment Assessment Process (ACE-AP). This makes Children's Hospital Pediatrics - Houma Blvd. a certified adolescent-centered environment!

What is a certified adolescent-centered environment?

Adolescent-centered environments effectively provide comprehensive services for adolescents, ensuring that they feel well cared for. An adolescent-centered environment encompasses the policies, practices, services, and physical space of health centers. They are inclusive of, informed by, and responsive to the needs and values of adolescents.

What are the benefits of creating an adolescent-centered environment?

During adolescence, youth experience disproportionately high rates of mental health issues, substance use, sexually transmitted diseases, and unintentional injuries that can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. Consequently, the health care needs of adolescents are unique from other patient populations. Young people may avoid accessing the services they need for various reasons including concerns around confidentiality, fear of judgment, and inconvenient hours and location. Creating adolescent-centered environments ensure that youth can access the care they need to be healthy throughout adolescence and into adulthood.